Secure Storage
Record, document and manage crime scene data. Store forensic data, images, videos, photos, reports, documents, drawings and narratives. Can process millions of images using Microsoft technology and a relational database, facilitating the secure sharing, backing up, and recovery.
Tamper Resistent
Original images are protected from alterations, loss, and unauthorized access. The original image is the "Electronic Negative" and is technically unalterable, preventing courtroom authenticity claims. Image access is controlled by user permissions and the audit records are preserved.
Advanced Search Capabilities
This is the fastest image retrieval and display available for onscreen review and revisions. Every field is searchable, facilitating precise search. The Case ID, Description, Case Type, Case Status, narratives and journals are stored at the case level. Case types (e.g. "burglary", "robbery", "homicide", etc.) are managed by administrators allowing for custom and consistent case management.
Digital CrimeScene controls user access for viewing, printing and adding photos. All active is audited. Activity reports are available to review access history. Rights are setup by case type and by case, ensuring access is limited to only those that need it. Security can be applied to individual images as well.
Image Categories
Images can be tagged with attributes to facilitate identification. Access control can be applied to these categories.
Image Grouping
Images from multiple records can be combined into a group for later export to HTML or printing.
Image Enhancement
Use either the internal tooling or Adobe Photoshop to enhance an
image. The history palette of the Adobe session is logged. The
original images are never altered.
The Image Comparison tool will allow you to compare images
side-by-side or edit copies of images for easier viewing and to
clarify details.
Images can be overlaid to show similarities and difference between
Images can be calibrated with distance measurements.
Digital CrimeScene is configurable and maintainable. Customizable data fields, databases added, fields added and customized, and attributes created. We make it easy to tailor the application to your changing needs.
Our mobile product captures digital evidence and allows for the assignment of case numbers to the images with a complete audit trail.